
About Imat

Welcome To Alumni Association

As a result of the establishment of the Department of Agriculture at the national level and at the provinces, the realization that research and education are the very foundations for the development of agriculture dawned on the minds of the administrators, educationists, social reformers and thinkers. Mahatma Jyotiba Phule, the noted thinker, social reformer and agriculturist of Pune appealed to the British Government to set institutions for agricultural education and research in India. This led to the opening of a branch for teaching agriculture in the College of Science at Pune in 1879 that was subsequently developed into a separate College of Agriculture in 1907. Initially a three year diploma of the Bombay University was offered. In 1899 a degree course leading to Licentiate in Agriculture (L.Ag.) was started. The Bombay University in the year 1909 further extended the scope of these studies, raised the standards and instituted the degree of Bachelor of Agriculture (B.Ag.). Its nomenclature was changed to Bachelor of Science in Agriculture [B.Sc.(Agri.)] and the first batch of graduates with this degree passed out in 1937.

The College of Agriculture, Pune is one of the first five agriculture colleges established in India. From its very inception, there has been a close coordination between research and teaching. After establishment of Maharashtra Agricultural University in the year 1968, the College of Agriculture, Pune was transferred to the University as a constituent college. In 1969, the College was transferred to the Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth (Agricultural University), Rahuri established in that year. The B.Sc.(Hort.) degree programme was started in 1984. The University headquarters are located in Rahuri, Dist. Ahmednagar 160 km to the north of Pune.

The department of agriculture was established at the center in 1877 followed by setting up similar departments by the provinces. It was soon realized that research and education are the very foundations for the development of agriculture. Mahatma Jyotiba Phule, the noted thinker, social reformer and agriculturist of Pune appealed to the British Government to set up institutions for agricultural education and research in India. The governor of Bombay province Sir Richard Temple proposed the establishment of College of Agriculture at Pune and accordingly a branch for teaching agriculture was started in the college of Science at Pune in 1879, which was subsequently developed into a separate college of Agriculture in 1907. The college has completed 100 years and celebrated its centenary during the year 2007.

Establishment of the Alumni Association

The Alumni Association, College of Agriculture, Pune was established in the year 1988 (Reg. No. Maharashtra / 3778 / 88/ Pune Dt. February 01, 1988) and on the occasion of centenary celebrations of the college, the committee of the association was reconstituted in the general body meeting held on 15th October 2007 for its strengthening and effective functioning with the following objectives.

Download Memorandum of Association

Historical Perspectives at Glance

  • In 1899 Bombay University started a Licentiate in Agriculture (L.Ag.) Degree Course.
  • 1905 A fine site of 150 acres of farmland selected close to the College of Science.
  • 1907 College was housed temporarily in the building at Kirkee.
  • 1908 Starting of separate College of Agriculture on January 01 1908 and Degree course of Bachelor of Agriculture (B.Ag.)
  • 1909 Degree course of Bachelor of Agriculture (B.Ag.) recognized by Bombay University.The construction of the laboratory block completed where the Chemistry Section is now housed.
  • 1911 Construction work of the main imposing building of the college was completed.
  • 1916 Post – Graduate Degree course of Master of Agriculture (M.Ag.) was started.
  • 1934 The nomenclature of B.Ag. Degree was changed to Bachelor of Science in Agriculture B.Sc.(Agri.) degree.
  • 1937 First Batch of B.Sc. (Agri.) degree programme was passed out from the College of Agriculture Pune.
  • 1948 The college of Agriculture affiliated to the Poona University.
  • 1950 Four year degree programme after Matriculation was started.
  • 1959 Four year degree course in Agriculture was started after Pre- degree University Examination of Pune University.
  • 1968 The college was affiliated to the Maharashtra Agricultural University.
  • 1969 The college was constituent college of the Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth
  • 1972 Trimester System of education was started.
  • 1976 Semester system of education was started.
  • 1980 First batch of semester system obtained B.Sc. (Agri.) degree.
  • 1983 The RAWE programme was started in the VII semester of degree course.
  • 1985 Commencement of Postgraduate Degree Programme
  • 2000 Establishment of Hi-Tech Vegetable & Floriculture Project
  • 2007 Introduction of new syllabus & inclusion of Hands-on-Training and Experiential
  • Learning programme in the final year of degree course.
  • 2008 Commencement of MBA in Agriculture
  • 2008 Establishment of Biotechnology and Bio-control Laboratories


  • To explore and utilize the intellectual talent of the Alumni for the prosperity of the farming community.
  • To organize training programs and to provide consultancy services in production technology, processing, marketing, and agro-industry to the farmers and extension functionaries.
  • To strengthen the network of the Alumni Association and establish linkages with the national and international associations and institutions.
  • To organize and conduct alumni welfare activities, programs, seminars, conferences, etc. of the Agriculture it allied.

Future Plan

  • The association decided to have a permanent building for the Alumni Association in the premises of the College of Agriculture, Pune. The Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth allotted a piece of land measuring 20 R near the VIP guest house for the development and establishment of the center of the alumni association at the College of Agriculture, Pune. The land will be on a lease basis to the Alumni Association for the period of 99 years. The proposed building includes an Alumni Office, Seminar hall, Training hall, Consultancy rooms, a Guest house for alumni members, and VIP suites for senior National and International Scientists. The Alumni Association will generate and collect the funds through life membership, donations from various organizations, companies, firms, entrepreneurs engaged in agricultural business and allied sectors, and also from NRI alumni of the college. On the auspicious occasion of the centenary of the college, MPKV University is being requested to contribute a substantial amount of funds for the development and strengthening of infrastructure facilities for the association. ICAR and other organizations will also be approached for the funds.